10/04 & 9/2017
Sukkah Building Project
Sukkah Party (“Pizza in the Hut”) with Rabbi Frank Muller and Rabbi Dario Hunter

Shaul Kelner, “The Forgotten Lessons of Jewish Activism: How American Jews Mobilized to Fight for Human Rights in the USSR (and Saved American Jewry in the Process)”

Rivka Neriya-Ben Shahar, “Old Order Amish and Jewish Ultra-Orthodox Women’s Responses to the Internet”
Cosponsored with the Women and Gender Studies Program

Annamaria Orla-Bukowska, “Jews and Jewishness in Post-Communist Poland: Past Steps Forwards, Present Steps Backward”

Panel Discussion: “Black and Jewish in America,” featuring Jane Gordon, April Baskin, MaNishtana, and Rebecca Pierce
Cosponsored with the Africana Studies Program, the Youngstown Area Jewish Federation, Student Activities, Student Experience, Office of Student Inclusion and Enrichment for Black History Month

Norman Finkelstein, “Gaza: Martyrdom & Betrayal”
Cosponsored with the Center for Islamic Studies, the James Dale Ethics Center, and CLASS

Galit Peleg, Head of the Dep. for Public Diplomacy and Academic Affairs, Consulate General of Israel in NYC
“Nevertheless She Persisted: On Women in Diplomacy!

Jewish-Muslim Forum with Mustansir Mir and Jacob Labendz: “Jerusalem”
Cosponsored with the Center for Islamic Studies