Study/Research Resources

Find Youngstown-related resources here.

Jewish Digital Collections and Jewish Study Guides
Curated by Dianne Romm and wonderfully extensive. This will be a great first-stop for students looking for primary (and also secondary) sources on an array of topics related to Jewish studies.

NY Public Library Resource Page (Excellent!)
Online resources broken down by topics: American Jewish History, Arts and Culture, Genealogy, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Holocaust, Israel, Judaism, and World Jewish History.

Resource for genealogical research, including local histories.


Encyclopedia Judaica
Excellent first stop for information on a wide range of topics in Jewish history and culture

Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women

YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe

Jewish Culture and History, Additional

My Jewish Learning
Popular site; not all articles of academic merit but can provide orientation

Hebrew date converter

Jewish Languages

Oxford School of Rare Jewish Languages
Free online courses in a number of rare Jewish languages

Yiddish Book Center


Bibliography Bank, Association of Jewish Libraries

Oxford Bibliographies

Primary Sources

American Jewish Committee Archives
Documents, Films, Audio, and more, including American Jewish Yearbook, 1899-2008

Historical Jewish Press via National Library of Israel
Access to Jewish periodicals and newspapers

Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
Jewish texts from different historical periods

Jewish Heritage Collection at the College of Charleston
Jewish life in South Carolina and the US south

Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization
Jewish cultural texts from different periods and places

Bible and rabbinic sources, searchable with significant translation


Jewish history and memory primarily from Central and Eastern Europe + images, etc.

Film Archive of the Jewish Film Institute

National Jewish Film Center

Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
Largest collection of Jewish documentary films in the world


Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive

Recorded Sound Archives via Florida Atlantic University, Jewish-studies collection


Holy Land Digital Image Collections via University of Pennsylvania

Online Academic Journals

AJS Perspectives, Association for Jewish Studies

In Geveb A journal of Yiddish Studies


Adventures in Jewish Studies via Association for Jewish Studies

Jewish History Matters

Judaism Unbound, Jewish-studies collection

New Book Network: Jewish Studies

Center for Jewish History

The Center for Jewish History comprises five institutions, each with many resources available online.

Associations and Centers